EZOpenSDK  v4.7.1
 All Classes Functions Properties
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CEZAccessTokenHik-Connect system credential information after authorized login
 CEZAlarmInfoAlarm information
 CEZCameraInfoCamera information
 CEZCloudRecordFileCloud storage video
 CEZConstantsOpen Hik-Connect system constant
 CEZDetectorInfoDetector information
 CEZDeviceInfoDevice information
 CEZDeviceRecordFileDevice video information (including the video of SD card, NVR, and DVR)
 CEZDeviceUpgradeStatusDevice upgrade status
 CEZDeviceVersionDevice version information
 CEZGlobalSDKEZGlobalSDK API. Note: 110001 (parameter error), 110002 (AccessToken has expired), 149999, 150000 (server exception) are the general error code returned by the HTTP API (return value is NSOperation, for most of the HTTP API), 400002 is the general error code of parameter error
 CEZLeaveMessageLeave message
 CEZPlayerPlayer class
 CEZProbeDeviceInfoSearch device information (Before adding device)
 CEZStorageInfoDevice storage information
 CEZUserInfoUser information
 CEZVideoQualityInfoVideo quality supported by the camera
 C<EZPlayerDelegate>Player delegate