EZGlobalSDK API. Note: 110001 (parameter error), 110002 (AccessToken has expired), 149999, 150000 (server exception) are the general error code returned by the HTTP API (return value is NSOperation, for most of the HTTP API), 400002 is the general error code of parameter error.
#import <EZGlobalSDK.h>
EZGlobalSDK API. Note: 110001 (parameter error), 110002 (AccessToken has expired), 149999, 150000 (server exception) are the general error code returned by the HTTP API (return value is NSOperation, for most of the HTTP API), 400002 is the general error code of parameter error.
+ (NSOperation *) addDevice: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
verifyCode: |
(NSString *) |
verifyCode |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Adding device according to device serial No. and verification code
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
verifyCode | Device verification code |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) captureCamera: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSString *url, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting captured picture URL
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
completion | Callback block. URL address information will returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 120001, 120002, 120006, 120008, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- See also
- This API is time consuming, it's not suggested for a large amount of devices to capture at the same time. SDK supports sending only 6 HTTP request at the same time, and this API will occupy HTTP request resource continually. When HTTP request is seriously delayed, firstly consider if it caused by sending multiple API for capturing at the same time. Captured picture will be kept in server for 2 hours
- Returns
- operation
+ (void) clearStreamInfoCache |
+ (NSOperation *) controlPTZ: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
command: |
(EZPTZCommand) |
command |
action: |
(EZPTZAction) |
action |
speed: |
(NSInteger) |
speed |
result: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
resultBlock |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 PTZ control
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
command | PTZ control command |
action | Start/ Stop |
speed | PTZ speed: ranges from 1 to 7, integer |
resultBlock | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: to be completed |
+ (void) controlVideoFlip: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
command: |
(EZDisplayCommand) |
command |
result: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
resultBlock |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Controlling camera display
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
command | Display control command |
resultBlock | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: to be completed |
+ (EZPlayer *) createPlayerWithDeviceSerial: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Building EZPlayer according cameraId
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
- Returns
- EZPlayer
+ (EZPlayer *) createPlayerWithUrl: |
(NSString *) |
url |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Build EZPlayer according to URL (mainly for Gallery playing)
- Parameters
- Returns
- EZPlayer
+ (NSData *) decryptData: |
(NSData *) |
data |
verifyCode: |
(NSString *) |
verifyCode |
| |
- Since
- 3.1.0 Data decryption
- Parameters
data | Data required to be decrypted |
verifyCode | Device verification code |
- Returns
- Decrypted NSData
+ (NSOperation *) deleteAlarm: |
(NSArray *) |
alarmIds |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Deleting alarm information according alarmId
- Parameters
alarmIds | Alarm information ID array Max. number is 10, min. number is 1, otherwise an error will be reported |
completion | Callback block. It indicates deleting succeeded when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) deleteDevice: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Deleting current account according to device serial No.
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. It indicates deleting succeeded when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 106002, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- See also
- This API is related to terminal binding. When the error 106002 is reported, disable the terminal binding and try again
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) deleteLeaveMessage: |
(NSArray *) |
leaveIds |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Deleting leave message according to leaveId
- Parameters
leaveIds | Leave message ID array (max. number is 10, and min. number is 1) |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
- Since
- 1.0.0 Destroying EZOpenSDK method
- Returns
+ (void) enableP2P: |
(BOOL) |
enable |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Configuring whether to enable P2P function. It is disabled by default, user can choose whether to enable
- Parameters
enable | Whether P2P is enabled |
+ (NSOperation *) formatStorage: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
storageIndex: |
(NSInteger) |
storageIndex |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Formatting partition according to device serial No. and partition No. (SD card)
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
storageIndex | Search returned partition No.: 0- Formatting all, when there are several HDDs |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, 120016, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getAlarmList: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
pageIndex: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
beginTime: |
(NSDate *) |
beginTime |
endTime: |
(NSDate *) |
endTime |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *alarmList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting alarm information list according to device serial No. It indicates to search all the alarm information list when the device serial No. is nil
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
pageIndex | Page No. (starts from 0) |
pageSize | Number of alarm information in each page (no more than 20) |
beginTime | Start time, it can be empty, and nil indicates empty |
endTime | End time, it can be empty, and nil indicates empty |
completion | Callback block. EZAlarmInfo data and alarm quantity of searched time range will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getAreaList: |
(void(^)(NSArray *areaList, NSError *error)) |
completion |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting area list
- Parameters
- Exceptions
Error | code type: to be completed |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getDeviceInfo: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZDeviceInfo *deviceInfo, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 4.3.0 Getting device information according to serial No.
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. Returns EZDeviceInfo when it is normal, and returns error code when exception occurs |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getDeviceList: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *deviceList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting all the device list
- Parameters
pageIndex | Current page No. (starts from 0) |
pageSize | Number of device information in each page (no more than 20) |
completion | Callback block. EZDeviceInfo array and device quantity will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getDeviceUpgradeStatus: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZDeviceUpgradeStatus *status, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting device upgrade progress according to device serial No.
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. EZDeviceUpgradeStatus will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getDeviceVersion: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZDeviceVersion *version, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting device version information
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. The information of EZDeviceVersion will be returned, when normal1, while the error code will be returned, when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getHiddnsDeviceInfo: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
domain: |
(NSString *) |
domain |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZHiddnsDeviceInfo *ddnsDeviceInfo, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Getting ddns information according to device serial No. and device domain name
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
domain | Device domain name |
completion | Callback block |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getHiddnsDeviceList: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *ddnsDeviceList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Getting DDNS information of all the devices under this account
- Parameters
pageIndex | Start page No., starts from 0 by default |
pageSize | DDNS information quantity of each page, it is 10 by default, and max. number is 50 |
completion | Callback block EZHiddnsDeviceInfo in ddnsDeviceList |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getLeaveMessageData: |
(EZLeaveMessage *) |
message |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSData *data, NSInteger resultCode)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting voice message data according to EZLeaveMessage information
- Parameters
message | Leave message |
completion | Callback block, resultCode= 1 indicates downloading succeeded, -1 indicates downloading failed) |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getLeaveMessageList: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
pageIndex: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
beginTime: |
(NSDate *) |
beginTime |
endTime: |
(NSDate *) |
endTime |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *leaveMessageList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting leave message list according to device serial No.
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
beginTime | Start time |
endTime | End time |
pageIndex | Page No. |
pageSize | Number of message information in each page |
completion | Callback block. EZLeaveMessage array will be returned when normal, while error code will be return when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getSharedDeviceList: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *deviceList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting shared device list
- Parameters
pageIndex | Current page No. (starts from 0) |
pageSize | Number of device information in each page (no more tha 20) |
completion | Callback block. EZDeviceInfo array and device quantity will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getShareHiddnsDeviceList: |
(NSInteger) |
pageIndex |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *ddnsDeviceList, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Getting DDNS information of all the devices shared by other account
- Parameters
pageIndex | Start page No., starts from 0 by default |
pageSize | DDNS information quantity of each page, it is 10 by default, and max. quantity is 50 |
completion | Callback block, EZHiddnsDeviceInfo in ddnsDeviceList |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getStorageStatus: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *storageStatus, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting storage device status according to device serial No. (e.g. whether it has been initialized, and the formatting progress)
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. EZStorageInfo array will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSString *) getTerminalId |
- Since
- 4.3.0 Getting unique ID of terminal
- Returns
- Terminal unique ID
+ (NSOperation *) getUnreadMessageCount: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
messageType: |
(EZMessageType) |
type |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSInteger count, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting unread message quantity according to device serial No. When device serial No. is empty, get unread message quantity of all the devices
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. When it is empty, the unread message quantity of all the devices will be returned |
type | Message type: EZMessageTypeAlarm alarm message (1), EZMessageTypeLeave leave message (2) |
completion | Callback block. Unread message quantity will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) getUserInfo: |
(void(^)(EZUserInfo *userInfo, NSError *error)) |
completion |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting user basic information
- Parameters
completion | Callback block. EZUserInfo will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSString *) getVersion |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Getting SDK version No.
- Returns
- Version No.
+ (BOOL) initLibWithAppKey: |
(NSString *) |
appKey |
- Since
- 4.4.0 Instance EZOpenSDK API
- Parameters
appKey | Input requested appKey |
- Returns
+ (BOOL) initLibWithAppKey: |
(NSString *) |
appKey |
url: |
(NSString *) |
url |
authUrl: |
(NSString *) |
authUrl |
| |
Instance EZOpenSDK API,select specially api url and auth url
- Parameters
appKey | Input requested appKey |
url | api url |
authUrl | auth url |
- Returns
- Since
- 4.4.0 push initialization API. No need to call it when push service is not required
+ (void) logout: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Logging out
- Parameters
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: to be completed |
+ (void) openChangePasswordPage: |
(void(^)(NSInteger resultCode)) |
completion |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Opening password editing page
- Parameters
completion | Callback block, resultCode=0 indicates editing password succeeded |
+ (void) openCloudPage: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Opening cloud storage page
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
+ (void) openLoginPage: |
(NSString *) |
areaId |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZAccessToken *accessToken)) |
block |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Opening authorized login page
- Parameters
+ (NSOperation *) probeDeviceInfo: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(EZProbeDeviceInfo *deviceInfo, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Search device information before configuring Wi-Fi
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block, EZProbeDeviceInfo will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120020, 120021, 120022, 120023, 120024, 120029, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- See also
- Since the new device is not registered, so the search result that the device does not exist may be returned. When the device Wi-Fi is configured successfully, the data will be reported to the system, and such situation won't occur.
- Returns
- operation
+ (BOOL) releasePlayer: |
(EZPlayer *) |
player |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Release EZPlayer
- Parameters
- Returns
+ (NSOperation *) searchRecordFileFromCloud: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
beginTime: |
(NSDate *) |
beginTime |
endTime: |
(NSDate *) |
endTime |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *couldRecords, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Searching cloud storage video information list
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
beginTime | Start time |
endTime | End time |
completion | Callback block. EZCloudRecordFile array will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: to be completed |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) searchRecordFileFromDevice: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
beginTime: |
(NSDate *) |
beginTime |
endTime: |
(NSDate *) |
endTime |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSArray *deviceRecords, NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Searching storage video information list of remote SD card
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
beginTime | Start time |
endTime | End time |
completion | Callback block. EZDeviceRecordFile array will be returned when normal, while error code will be returned when there is an error |
- Exceptions
- Returns
- operation
+ (void) setAccessToken: |
(NSString *) |
accessToken |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Configuring accessToken for EZOpenSDK after authorized login
- Parameters
accessToken | Received accessToken after authorized login |
+ (NSOperation *) setAlarmStatus: |
(NSArray *) |
alarmIds |
alarmStatus: |
(EZMessageStatus) |
status |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Configuring the alarm information as read
- Parameters
alarmIds | Alarm information ID array. Max. number is 10, min. number is 1, otherwise an error will be reported |
status | Alarm information status |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (BOOL) setDebugLogEnable: |
(BOOL) |
enable |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Configuring whether to print debug log
- Parameters
enable | Whether to print log, it's disabled by default |
- Returns
+ (NSOperation *) setDefence: |
(EZDefenceStatus) |
defence |
deviceSerial: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Device arming status, which is compatible with security control panel and network camera
- Parameters
defence | Arming status. For network camera: 0 and 1, while for security control panel: 0- Sleeping, 8- At home, 16- Leaving home |
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when there is no error |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, Refer to EZErrorCode in EZOpenSDK header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setDeviceEncryptStatus: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
verifyCode: |
(NSString *) |
verifyCode |
encrypt: |
(BOOL) |
isEncrypt |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Enabling and disabling encryption of video and picture via device verification code
- Parameters
isEncrypt | Whether to encrypt. Device verification code is required only when disabling encryption(vaildateCode) |
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
verifyCode | Device verification code |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setDeviceName: |
(NSString *) |
deviceName |
deviceSerial: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Editing device name according to device serial No.
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
deviceName | Device name |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120002, 120014, 120018, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setHiddnsDomain: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
domain: |
(NSString *) |
domain |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
This API is used to configure the ddns domain name for device, including the shared device
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
domain | Device domain name. Domain name edition rule: it cannot be empty, 6 to 32 bits, contains lowercase letter, number, and -, first one must be a letter, and last one cannot be -. |
completion | Callback block |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setHiddnsModeAuto: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Configure the device DDNS mapping mode as automatic
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setHiddnsModeManual: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
httpPort: |
(NSInteger) |
httpPort |
cmdPort: |
(NSInteger) |
cmdPort |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Configure the device DDNS mapping mode as manual
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
httpPort | http port |
cmdPort | command port |
completion | Callback block |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setLeaveMessageStatus: |
(NSArray *) |
leaveIds |
messageStatus: |
(EZMessageStatus) |
status |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Configuring leave message status according to leaveId
- Parameters
leaveIds | Leave message ID array (max. number is 10, and min. number is 1) |
status | Leave message status, which requires to be configured. Only supports EZMessageStatusRead (read) |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 110004, 120202, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) setVideoLevel: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
cameraNo: |
(NSInteger) |
cameraNo |
videoLevel: |
(NSInteger) |
videoLevel |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Device channel definition
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
cameraNo | Camera No. |
videoLevel | Channel definition: |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when there is no error |
- See also
- If you call this API during playing, after configuring the definition, EZPlayer should call stopRealPlay and then call startRealPlay for streaming again to complete switching definition
- Returns
- operation
+ (NSOperation *) shareHiddnsDevice: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
account: |
(NSString *) |
account |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
Sharing DDNS information of the device with other account
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
account | Account to receive shared information, it can be email address, or mobile phone(including dialling code) , or user name which is not 被分享账户, 可以是邮箱地址或手机号码(包含国家代码)或不是全数字的用户名 |
completion | Callback block |
- Returns
- operation
+ (BOOL) startConfigWifi: |
(NSString *) |
ssid |
password: |
(NSString *) |
password |
deviceSerial: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
deviceStatus: |
(void(^)(EZWifiConfigStatus status)) |
statusBlock |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Starting Wi-Fi configuration
- Parameters
ssid | Wi-Fi connection SSID |
password | Wi-Fi connection password |
deviceSerial | Serial No. of device connected to Wi-Fi |
statusBlock | Return Wi-Fi configuration status of connected device |
- Returns
- Since
- 1.0.0 Stopping Wi-Fi configuration
- Returns
+ (NSOperation *) upgradeDevice: |
(NSString *) |
deviceSerial |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSError *error)) |
completion |
| |
- Since
- 1.0.0 Upgrade the device according to device serial No., on condition that there is a prompt to upgrade for the device
- Parameters
deviceSerial | Device serial No. |
completion | Callback block. It indicates success when the error is empty |
- Exceptions
Error | code type: 120002, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120014, refer to EZErrorCode in EZConstants header file for details |
- Returns
- operation
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