OPEN Hik-Connect System iOS SDK ErrorCode

1. ErrorCode

This document is for detailed description of Open Hik-Connect System IOS SDK ErrorCode, it's in continuous improvement......

/* Upper level error code
 *100000 - 199999 : webService
 *200000 - 299999 : 1.7 device upgrading error code
 *300000+         : playing and streaming layer
 *310000 - 310999 : Streaming library packaging layer error code. PB or PR
 *311000 - 311999 : Streaming and playing view error code. PBV or PRV
 *320000 - 329999 : Play library error code
 *330000 - 339999 : HCNetSDK error code
 *340000 - 349999 : Rtsp error code
 *350000 - 359999 : ppvs error code
 *360000 - 369999 : TTS error message definition
 *370000 - 379999 : Frame analysis library error code
 *380000 - 389999 : CAS error code
 *400000 - 409999 : Internal error code
 *410000 - 419999 : External error code

/* EZOpenSDK error definition */
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EZErrorCode) {
    EZ_DEVICE_TTS_TALKING_TIMEOUT = 360002,           //Two-way audio start timed out.
    EZ_DEVICE_TTS_TALKING = 360010,                   //Device is in two-way audio.  
    EZ_DEVICE_IS_PRIVACY_PROTECTING = 380011,         //The privacy mask of the device is enabled.
    EZ_DEVICE_CONNECT_COUNT_LIMIT = 380045,           //No more direct connection can be added to device for sreaming. 
    EZ_DEVICE_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORT = 380047,           //The command is not supported by device. 
    EZ_DEVICE_CAS_TALKING = 380077,                   //Device is in two-way audio. 
    EZ_DEVICE_CAS_PARSE_ERROR = 380205,               //Device detecting inputted parameter exception.
    EZ_PLAY_TIMEOUT = 380209,                         //Network connection timed out.
    EZ_DEVICE_TIMEOUT = 380212,                       //Device port networks connection timed out.
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 390038,                //Streaming timeout caused by mobile phone network. 
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_OFFLINE = 395404,                //Device is offline.
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_DEVICE_COUNT_LIMIT = 395410,     //No more connections can be added to the device.
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_NOT_FIND_FILE = 395402,          //No video file found for playback.Check the validity of incoming video file. 
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_TOKEN_INVALID = 395406,          //The streaming token verification is invalid.
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_CAMERANO_ERROR = 395415,         //Device channel error.
    EZ_STREAM_CLIENT_LIMIT = 395546,                  //Device streaming is limited.
     *  HTTP error code
    EZ_HTTPS_PARAM_ERROR = 110001,                    //Request parameter error.
    EZ_HTTPS_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID = 110002,           //AccessToken is invalid.
    EZ_HTTPS_REGIST_USER_NOT_EXSIT = 110004,          //The user does not exist.
    EZ_HTTPS_USER_BINDED = 110012,                    //The third-party account already linked with Hik-Connect. 
    EZ_HTTPS_APPKEY_NOT_MATCHED = 110018,             //Mismatched.Check if the configured server appKey and SDK appKey are same.
    EZ_HTTPS_CAMERA_NOT_EXISTS = 120001,              //The channel does not exist. Check if the camera is re-added. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_NOT_EXISTS = 120002,              //The device does not exist.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_NETWORK_ANOMALY = 120006,         //Network exception.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_OFFLINE = 120007,                 //The device is offline.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEIVCE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 120008,        //Request response timed out. 
    EZ_HTTPS_ILLEGAL_DEVICE_SERIAL = 120014,          //Illegal serial No.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_STORAGE_FORMATTING = 120016,      //The device HDD is formatting .
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_ADDED_MYSELF = 120017,            //The device is already added.
    EZ_HTTPS_USER_NOT_OWN_THIS_DEVICE = 120018,       //The user has no permission of the device.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_ONLINE_NOT_ADDED = 120021,        //The device is onlin. But it is not added.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_ONLINE_IS_ADDED = 120022,         //The device is online. But it is added by other user.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_OFFLINE_NOT_ADDED = 120023,       //The device is offline and it is not added. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_OFFLINE_IS_ADDED = 120024,        //The device is offline and it is added by other user. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_OFFLINE_IS_ADDED_MYSELF = 120029, //The device is offline. But it is already added. 
    EZ_HTTPS_OPERATE_LEAVE_MSG_FAIL = 120202,         //Message operation failed.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_BUNDEL_STATUS_ON = 120031,        //The access configuration is enabled. Disable it via Hik-Connect Client. 
    EZ_HTTPS_SERVER_DATA_ERROR = 149999,              //Parameter exception
    EZ_HTTPS_SERVER_ERROR = 150000,                   //Server exception
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_NOT_SUPPORT = 160000,         //PTZ control is not supported by the device. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_NO_PERMISSION = 160001,       //The user has no permission of PTZ control.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_UPPER_LIMIT = 160002,         //PTZ reaches the up limit.  
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_FLOOR_LIMIT = 160003,         //PTZ reaches the bottom limit. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_LEFT_LIMIT = 160004,          //PTZ reaches the left limit.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_RIGHT_LIMIT = 160005,         //PTZ reaches the right limit. 
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_FAILED = 160006,              //PTZ control failed.
    EZ_HTTPS_DEVICE_PTZ_RESETING = 160009,            //PTZ is calling presets.

     *  API error code (SDK local validation)
    EZ_SDK_PARAM_ERROR = 400002,                      //API parameter error.
    EZ_SDK_NOT_SUPPORT_TALK = 400025,                 //Two-way audio is not supported by the device.
    EZ_SDK_TIMEOUT = 400034,                          //Streaming timeout. Check the mobile phone network status.
    EZ_SDK_NEED_VALIDATECODE = 400035,                //The device verification code is required.
    EZ_SDK_VALIDATECODE_NOT_MATCH = 400036,           //Device verification code mismatches.
    EZ_SDK_DECODE_TIMEOUT = 400041,                   //Decoding timed out. Incorrect verification code.

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